Nietzsche is a German philosopher. He was most recognized for his criticism about religion and the role he played in society and mortality. What makes Fredrick controversial by even today’s principles is so many people see him as a mad man while others see him as a mad genius. One thing can be said about him- he was a man always seeking the truth. He was very anti- religious and rejected any kind of religion. In his book Thus Spoke Zarathustra he said ‘God is dead. And we killed him’, which means that the society stopped being influenced by God.
Thus Spoke Zarathustra touched problems that are most central to modern civilization such as the advancement of technology and its effects on human’s spirit. Nietzsche plays with biblical elements throughout the book; however, the ideas in the book oppose the ideas in The Bible. For example, Jesus spent 40 days in the wilderness being tempted by the evil. He felt pain and hunger, while Zarathustra spent 10 years on a mountaintop being happily isolated from the rest of the world.
The main theme of the book is Ubermensch, which is a person with great powers and abilities.
‘Could you create a God? Then do not speak to me of any gods. But you could create an overman’ It seems like he almost desires to have a dictator who would have the will to power- It’s life’s next step for mankind because God is outdated.
An Overman as described by Zarathustra, is the one who is willing to risk all for the sake of improvement of humanity. In contrary to the last man whose sole desire is his own comfort and is incapable of creating anything beyond oneself in any form. This should suggest that an overman is someone who can establish his own values as the world in which others live their lives. This means an overman can affect and influence the lives of others. In other words, an overman has his own values, independent of others, which affects and dominates others lives that may not have predetermined values but only herd instinct.
An overman should be able to affect history. He will keep reentering the world through other people’s minds and affect their thoughts and values. Napolean who is highly admired by Nietzsche may be seen as an example here since he changed and created orders in Europe. What he did effects greatly in how Europe is today. This idea agrees with another of his most significant idea, the idea of the will-to-power.
I have enjoyed reading your summary of 'Thus spoke Zarathustra'. It would be possible to spend years studying Nietzsche, so since we do not have the time! I found that in my Nietzsche phase!! the reader was good, as it gave so many sayings and opinions as sn overall view of his philosopy. I really like sayings,- maxims, and I find that often it is possible to agree with some part and be disappointed in the whole. Apparently his philosophy is 'an experiment in reorientating oneself within a world of total uncertaintly' and I do find that the older one gets the less certain about anything one becomes and it is certainly sure that nothing lasts forever, all things change. One saying which helps always when one needs to be brave or summon up extra courage is this one I think, it has worked for me at times 'What does not kill me makes me stronger', which comes from the military school of life, 'Twilight of the Idols'. Apparently his statement that 'God is Dead' etc has been completely misquoted and misrepresented, seized upon and unrecognizably twisted,- it says in a comment about Zarathustra, so one must hope to have a good instructor/lecturer with clear incisive direction. Hey ho! my mind is too old!!! Until next time.