Thursday, 14 October 2010

Freshers Fashion Feature

My first ever feature is so totally published on the internet! Yay. Hana and I worked so hard on it. It was definitely worth it. Watching something we both created and something that actually looks good and quite professional gives such a good feeling. Of course it was difficult to get all the shots and ideas to put together, but editing was killing us. Slow computers, constantly freezing Final Cut Pro was a nightmare. We got through it all though smoothly, which I am very proud of. I never thought that finding people to pose for us and talk us through their outfits would be so difficult. If someone asked me to do something like that, I would run without even thinking about it. It’s supposed to be fun! Many people were embarrassed and shy to be our models. Thankfully, we found some chatty and bubbly people who were happy to pose for us. I am just getting into fashion, as I know nothing about it. For me, clothes are clothes. There isn’t a ‘deep meaning’ in an outfit, expect for those colourful ones I wear which express my constant happiness. Therefore, I definitely had so much fun producing that piece, just because I have learned quite a lot from it.
I also love presenting. I feel good in front of the camera, it makes me happy. It’s a shame I have an accent, otherwise maybe I would have been going for the Winol presenter next semester :)

Here is our feature. Watch it, enjoy it, and leave comments!

This week, Hana and I decided to do something bigger. It’s a feature in a form of a diary. I set myself a challenge to try to live off a food budget of £20 this week. It’s great fun so far. We will see if I will be able to do it :) I will definitely write the results when we finish.

Till next time!


  1. Hi Justi What a great blog, so full of life and interest and excitement and big enthusiasm for what you are doing and what comes next, which is what life is all about. Well done on getting all the technical stuff together, despite the problems. I think that yes, clothes are clothes, but we all like to look as good as we can and 'fashion' is therefore not as superficial as it may seem. It is a learning curve like any other if you want to be able to discuss it with knowledge. Indeed clothes and fashion in so many ways become a sort of uniform for who we are, nothing is unique. We tend to slot into certain styles. How we put it together may be original. In that world what comes around goes around, and I, as an older person, just love the freedom which young or maybe anyone can have now just wearing anything they wish and mixing all sorts of fabrics and styles. Your writing lets your love of colour shine through, well done and to those who took part for you. I need to say that you do very well in front of the camera and if you can slow a bit and speak a little more clearly/loudly maybe, to camera then the accent should be no problem. It would be a discrimination for you not to be able to go for the Winol presenter, if you want to try. Do not let your accent put you off, keep trying and be confident - maybe you are among Scots/ Irish/ N Country and many other accents which are not the 'Queen's English' why should yours be any more of a problem? I think it is delightful and a bonus as proof of your achievement in a short span in this country. Be proud of it. Remember, never, never give up!!

    The diary of a £20 a week food budget will be very interesting too and for someone who will not just resort to chips and beans I am sure you can do it.

    Finally 'constant happiness'! what a lovely statement so let's hope I do not see you wearing the classic little black dress in case your expression/happiness is stifled!!

    Until later be happy!

  2. Oh Justi, what a wonderful video you and your friend have made. I am so happy when Cait tells me you have done something new...
    I think you are just brilliant to be able to be the "front" person and as for your accent I think it is just a delight...much better than my broad Scottish one for sure !!
    I pray you will long remain in a a state of
    constant Happiness...

  3. I'd just like to echo what caiticlear & Sybil have said! A great video, and your accent is no shame AT ALL. As Sybil & caiticlear say, it's delightful, and you're so photogenic, bubbly & enthusiastic you should definitely go for the Winol presenter.
    Good luck & stay happy!! xx
